Jarrod Wong
Jarrod Wong is Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Global Center for Business and Development. He is a scholar in international dispute resolution and has been published in the Yale Journal of International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, NYU Journal of Law & Politics, Minnesota Law Review, George Mason Law Review, Tulane Law Review and Florida State University Law Review, among others. In particular, Professor Wong has written on complex problems in investor-state arbitration and delivered his papers at major international arbitration conferences around the world, including the Investment Treaty Forum of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the Annual International Arbitration Conference at National Taiwan University, and the Annual Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation.
More recently, Professor Wong has been studying the challenges to the legitimacy of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). He serves as the American Society of International Law delegate to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group III, which comprises state and observer delegations from across the globe embarked on an ambitious multiyear initiative to reform ISDS. The proposed reforms include establishing a Code of Ethics for ISDS adjudicators, an Advisory Center to guide states in their defense of ISDS claims and an appellate mechanism for ISDS claims. Professor Wong is also a member of the Academic Forum on ISDS, which works parallel to and advises the UNCITRAL Working Group III.
In addition to representing the American Society of International Law (ASIL) in UNCITRAL Working Group III, Professor Wong also serves on the ASIL Nominating Committee, which is involved in shaping the leadership of ASIL. He also previously served on the ASIL Executive Committee and was Co-Chair of ASIL’s 114th Annual Meeting in 2020. The 4-day Annual Meeting attracted over 1,000 attendees, featured over 230 speakers, and is one of the largest annual international law events in the U.S., if not the world. Additionally, he was Co-Chair of the ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group, and co-chaired the 2018 ASIL Research Forum at UCLA Law.
Professor Wong also serves on the Academic Council and Advisory Board of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), a prominent educational forum in the field of international arbitration. He previously served on the ITA Executive Council and as Co-Vice Chair of the ITA Academic Council. He co-chaired the 2017 Annual ITA Workshop in Dallas—which regularly draws some 200 expert participants—as well as the 2013 ITA Winter Forum Conference in Miami.
BA (Law) (First Class Honours), Cambridge University, U.K.
LLM, University of Chicago
JD (Order of the Coif), University of California, Berkeley
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal (2d ed. forthcoming 2025) (with Charles Brower, et al.)
Transparency, Accountability, and Influence in the International Investment Law System, 45 Michigan Journal of International Law (forthcoming 2024) (with Jason Yackee)
Article 12: Compliance with the Code, in The Code of Conduct for Arbitrators in International Investment Dispute Resolution - A Commentary (Giorgetti and Potesta, eds.) (Kluwer) (forthcoming 2024)
The Best Evidence Rule, The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (Oxford University Press) (2023)
The Independence and Impartiality of Adjudicators in the United States of America, in Independence and Impartiality of International Adjudicators (Giuditta Cordero-Moss, ed.) (Intersentia, Cambridge) (2023)
The Legislative Stabilization Clause, 55 N.Y.U. Journal of International Law and Politics 67 (2022) (with Abdallah Abuelfutuh Ali)
The U.S. National Report to the 2022 International Congress of Comparative Law on the Independence and Impartiality of International Adjudicators, 70 American Journal of Comparative Law i376 (2022)
The Vienna Convention and the Ordinary Meaning of International Law, 46 Yale Journal of International Law 191 (2021) (with Brian G. Slocum)
Panel Proceedings: International Arbitration In The Asia-Pacific: Prospects And Challenges Of A Dynamic And Growing Field , 112 American Society Of International Law Proceedings 97 (2018) (as moderator with co-panelists at the 2018 ASIL Annual Meeting)
Panel Proceedings: Forum non Concurrence in the Resolution of Investment Treaty Disputes, 109 American Society Of International Law Proceedings 51 (2016) (as moderator with co-panelists at the 2016 ASIL Annual Meeting)
BG Group v. Argentina: A Supreme Misunderstanding of Investment Treaty Arbitration, 43 Pepperdine Law Review 541 (2016) (invited symposium)
Panel Proceedings: Transparency and Procedural Due Process in International Economic Law, 109 American Society of International Law Proceedings 319 (2016) (as moderator with co-panelists at the 2015 ASIL Annual Meeting)
The Subversion of State-to-State Investment Treaty Arbitration, 53 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 6 (2014)
Panel Proceedings: Uncommon Remedies in International Dispute Resolution, 107 American Society of International Law Proceedings 33 (2014) (with co-panelists at the 2013 ASIL Annual Meeting)
The Misapprehension of Moral Damages in Investor-State Arbitration, Contemporary Issues In International Arbitration And Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2012 67 (A. Rovine, ed. 2013)
Arbitrating in the Ether of Intent, 40 Florida State University Law Review 165 (2012)
The 2006 Procedural and Transparency-Related Amendments to the ICSID Arbitration Rules: Model Intentions, Moderate Proposals, and Modest Returns, Yearbook On International Investment Law And Policy 233 (Karl Sauvant, ed. 2010) (Oxford Univ. Press) (with Jason Yackee) (peer reviewed)
Reconstructing the Responsibility to Protect in the Wake of Cyclones and Separatism, 84 Tulane Law Review 219 (2009)
Clawbacks: Prospective Contract Measures in an Era of Excessive Executive Compensation and Ponzi Schemes, 94 Minnesota Law Review 368 (2009) (with Miriam A. Cherry)
- Reply: Clawback to the Future, 95 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 19 (2010) (with Miriam A. Cherry), reply to Michael Macchiarola, In the Shadow of the Omnipresent Claw: In Response to Professors Cherry & Wong, 95 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 1 (2010)
Is The Prodigal Child Coming Home? U.S. Courts, Interim Measures, and the New York Convention, 2 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal 83 (2009) (invited symposium) (peer reviewed)
The Application of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses to Dispute Resolution Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties, 3 Asian Journal W.T.O. & International Health Law & Policy 171 (2008) (invited symposium) (peer reviewed)
Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties: Of Breaches of Contract, Treaty Violations and the Divide Between Developing and Developed Countries in Foreign Investment Disputes, 14 George Mason Law Review 135 (2006)
Court or Arbitrator — Who Decides Whether Res Judicata Bars Subsequent Arbitration Under the Federal Arbitration Act?, 46 Santa Clara Law Review 49 (2005)
The Issuance of Interim Measures in International Disputes: A Proposal Requiring a Reasonable Possibility of Success on the Underlying Merits, 33 Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law 605 (2005)
General Valuation Principles: The Case of Santa Elena, in International Investment Law and Arbitration: Leading Cases from the ICSID, NAFTA, Bilateral Treaties and Customary International Law 747 (Todd Weiler ed., 2005) (Cameron May) (with Charles N. Brower)
A Passage Through India (and Beyond) or A Case of Love Thy Neighbour?, 8 Leiden Journal of International Law 311 (1995) (with Christopher Hare)