
Bridge Builders: Celebrating Diversity at the Dugoni School of Dentistry

May 11, 2018

The Dugoni School of Dentistry recently hosted "Bridge Builders," one of the most anticipated and festive events of the year. Bridge Builders spotlights and celebrates the cultural diversity at the dental school and gives students, residents, faculty and staff a chance to share their cultures through food, drinks, traditional attire, entertainment and other festivities.

At this year's event held on May 10, Bridge Builders welcomed more than 20 different tables representing countries including Japan, Philippines, Turkey, India, Iran, China, Germany, Brazil, Pakistan, Korea, Mexico, Vietnam, Italy, Thailand, Greece, Iraq, Egypt, Netherlands and Canada.

Bridge Builders is sponsored by the school's American Student Dental Association (ASDA) chapter, which also hosts other social and professional events throughout the year for the school community. The ASDA chapter exists to advocate for the wellness, professional development and personal development of dental students. Their events engage more than just students; they get faculty and staff involved as well.

Contact: Office of Marketing and Communications, 415.929.6434,

Categories: Events, Faculty, Featured, Staff, Students, 2018

Contact: Office of Marketing and Communications, 415.929.6434,