
Wellness news: Is it safe to brush your teeth in the shower?

Wellness news: Is it safe to brush your teeth in the shower?

In today's busier-than-ever culture, every minute counts. Even on the drive into work, you might see women tweezing eyebrows while switching lanes, or men trimming beards as they fly through yellow lights. Efficiency clearly rules the day — but have we gone too far?

Lately, people have been speaking up about another secret time saver: brushing their teeth in the shower. But when you prioritize multitasking over teeth, you may put more than your oral health at risk.

Losing sight of the goal — For healthy teeth, brushing two minutes twice a day is critical. But anyone who's diligent about this knows two minutes is longer than it sounds. And when you add distractions like loofahs, achieving the perfect water temperature and shampoo burning your eyes, you're bound to miss the two-minute mark.

Flossing falls to the wayside — After brushing in the shower, you're likely to deep condition or towel-dry, not floss. Bringing mint-flavored string into your shower seems unlikely, let alone unsanitary. Plus, the awkwardness of flossing in the shower might feel like reason enough never to floss again. But your oral health should never be sacrificed to save a minute or two.

Even dentists use mirrors to clean teeth — You probably don't have a mirror in your shower. And without a mirror, it's difficult to brush or floss effectively. As an adult, brushing can feel second-nature, but thoroughly caring for your teeth means checking in to see if they look as clean as you think.

It's easy to brush your teeth absentmindedly — brushing or flossing only one side of your mouth, or worse, missing that green gunk stuck in your molars — so cut yourself some slack and use a mirror to help.

Brushing in the shower isn't ideal, but managed properly, you can maintain a healthy smile. Just be careful it is toothpaste you're squirting on your brush, not cologne-scented body wash. And while we understand your desire to occasionally brush in the shower, don't start brushing in the bath because, well, that's just gross.

For more reasons why brushing in the shower may not be the best option, as well as tips for multitasking if you do brush while showering click .