ࡱ> ^a] 1bjbj >fngng)NLu uwwwwww$XuuEEEuEuEEET^oUEa0E qj EE YEj X t:  J. Farley Ordovensky Staniec ________________________________________________________________ Department of Economics Contact: 209-946-2910 (office) vlog 209-298-5215 (cell) 3601 Pacific Avenue fstaniec@pacific.edu Stockton, CA 95211 Academic Experience vlog Associate Dean, Benerd College, July 2019 present. Program Director for degree completion programs; Academic Chair - UOP International Chair, Department of Economics, July 2013 July 2019 Administrative responsibility for unit with six tenure lines and one full-time adjunct; responsibilities include faculty recruitment and evaluation, program assessment, budgeting, course scheduling, working with development office. Academic Director, University College June 2018 June 2019 Academic Director, Organizational Behavior program, Fall 2016 Spring 2018 Responsible for faculty hiring and evaluation, academic advising, course scheduling, assessment and program review. Associate Professor of Economics, September 2000 present. Assistant Professor, August 1993 August 2000. Courses taught: Economics Principles and Problems, Introductory Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomic Theory, Public Finance, Strategic Games and Behavior, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Microeconomics Math Lab; Economics Capstone Independent Study: Mathematical Economics; Tax Policy; Behavioral Economics and Health Policy Special Topics: Economics of Sin; Uncertainty and Strategic Games University GE: Mentor Seminar I; Mentor Seminar III; Pacific Seminar 2 Rationality and Strategic Games Wake Forest University Visiting Instructor, Department of Economics, Aug 1992 May 1993 Public Finance, Labor Economics, Principles of Economics Duke University Instructor, Talent Identification Program, June - Aug 1991 Introduction to Statistics, Principles of Macroeconomics Instructor, Department of Economics, Aug- Dec 1989 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Education Ph.D. Economics, Duke University M.A. Economics, Duke University B.S. Economics, University of Delaware Publications Peer-reviewed articles Staniec, J. Farley O. 2017. Missing Men: Determinants and implications of the gender gap in education majors. Eastern Economic Review, 43(4), 699-714. Staniec, J. Farley O. and Natalie J. Webb. 2007. Use of Infertility Services: How much does money matter? Health Services Research, 42(3), 971-982. Staniec, J. Farley O. 2004. Race, Sex, Returns and the Choice of College Major. Eastern Economic Review, 30(4), 549-562. Hagy, Alison P. and J. Farley Ordovensky Staniec. 2002. The Effects of Generation and Race on the Postsecondary Institutional Choice of Immigrant Children. (with Alison P. Hagy) Economics of Education Review, 21(4), 381-392. Ordovensky, J. Farley. 1995. Who Chooses Postsecondary Vocational Training? Economics of Education Review, 14(4), 333-350. Taplin, Ian and J. Farley Ordovensky. 1995. Changes in Buyer-Supplier Relationships and Labour Market Structure: Evidence from the US. Journal of Clothing Technology and Management, v. XII, p. 1-8. Under revision Effects of Postsecondary Remediation on Student Success, with Sharmila King. Book Reviews Review of The Vision of the Public Junior College, 1900-1940, by J.H. Frye. American Journal of Sociology, November 1993. Other publications Immigrant Status, Race and Institutional Choice in Higher Education, (with Alison P. Hagy.) Center for Economic Studies Discussion Paper #98-4; March 1998. Commissioned research: The Effects of Financial Aid Policy on Student Yield Rates for Duke University. 1992. Funded by Dean of the College of Arts and Science, Duke University. "Foreign Currency Translation for Multinational Enterprises," 1989. Commissioned by Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, for use in MBA courses. "The International Migration of Highly Skilled Labor," 1988. Commissioned by Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, for use in MBA courses. Presentations at conferences: Before, During or Never?: Effects of the Timing of Developmental Math on Success in Introductory Economics. American Economic Association Committee on Teaching and Research in Economic Education, St. Lous, MO, May 2019. Effects of Postsecondary Remediation on Student Success, with Sharmila King. Western Economic Association, Portland, OR, June 2016. Missing Men: Determinants and implications of the gender gap in education majors. Western Economic Association, San Diego, CA, June 2011. Choosing Teaching: Factors affecting enrollment and persistence in education majors. Western Economic Association, Portland, OR, June 2010. The Persistence of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering Majors. Western Economic Association, San Diego, July 2006. Use of Infertility Services: How much does money matter? Western Economic Association, Denver, July 2003. Race, Sex, Returns and Choice of College Major. Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 2002. Immigrant Status, Race and Enrollment Choice in Higher Education, with Alison P. Hagy. Population Association of America, Chicago, April 1998. Immigrants and Choice of Postsecondary Institution: Differences Between the First and Second Generations, with Alison P. Hagy. Western Economic Association, Seattle, July 1997. Immigrants, Access to Higher Education and the Role of Community Colleges, with Alison P. Hagy. Southern Economic Association, Washington D.C., November 1996. States vs. Markets: Government Incentives and Industrial Location, with Ian M. Taplin. 6th International Conference on Socio-economics, Paris, France, July 1994. Estimating the Effects of Community College Enrollment on the Attainment of Sub-baccalaureate Educational Credentials. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management National Research Conference, Oct. 1992. The Effect of Community Colleges on Postsecondary Enrollment Choices of Recent High School Graduates. Eastern Economic Association, New York City, March 1992. vlog presentations Economics Department Colloquium Series Race, Sex, Expected Returns and Choice of College Major. October 2001 Immigrant Status, Race and Enrollment Choice in Higher Education. March 1998. Immigrants, Access to Higher Education and the Role of Community Colleges. November 1996. Does Access Equal Equity?: British Higher Education in 1995. October 1995. Further and Higher Education in the United Kingdom: A Discussion of Research Questions. September 1994. Womens Leadership Conference Taking leadership of your personal financial future. March 2006. Grants Research grants: John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation 1996 Faculty Fellowship for research on Immigrants, Access to Higher Education, and the Role of Community Colleges. with Alison P. Hagy. Eberhardt Research Fellowship, vlog. Access and Equity in British Higher Education, Summer 1995. National Bureau of Economic Research, dissertation support grant; 1990-91. Teaching-related travel grants College Research Fund. Travel grant to attend the American Economic Association workshop in Cross-section Econometrics, January 2017. Committee on Academic Planning and Development. Travel grant to attend the American Economic Association Committee on Economic Education Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education, May 2015. Committee on Academic Planning and Development. Travel grant to attend Conference on Teaching Economics. October 2004. Awards Faye and Alex Spanos Distinguished Teaching Award (2010) Professional Activities Referee for Journal of Human Resources, Southern Economic Journal, Economics of Education Review, Sociology Compass, American Educational Research Journal, Asia Pacific Education Review, Pearson academic publishing (textbook review.) Service University service -committees Chart of Accounts Advisory Committee (Summer 2018-present) Student Success Academic Support sub-committee, Pacific 2020 Refresh (Spring 2018-present) Commencement Speaker Committee (Fall 2017-present) Institutional Priorities Committee (2012- 2015; Chair FY 201515) IPC executive committee (2013-2015) Budget Task Force ( 2010- 2013) Professional Relations committee (2008 2011) Admissions and Financial Aid committee (2008-2011) Ad-hoc University Marketing committee (2006-2007) University Promotion and Tenure committee (2000-2003) University Branding/Identity committee (2002-2003) Faculty Compensation Committee (2000-2003; chair, 02-03) Ad-hoc Child Care task force (1999-2000) Faculty Research Committee (1994-1997; chair, 96-97) Judicial Review Board (2000 2013) Ad-hoc Child Care task force (1999-2000) University Search committees: Director of Admissions (2000) Vice President for Student Life (2001) Dean of College of the Pacific (2001-2002) Associate Director of Benefits (2002) Director of Business Forecasting Center (Fall 2003) Dean of College of the Pacific (2006-2007) Dean of Eberhardt School of Business (2010) Dean, University College (2017) University Service - other Outside member of Promotion and Tenure committees (Dobbs, Rohlf, Haslett, Day, Kelly) Faculty advisor to Leadership, Involvement, Community residence hall (Fall 99-Spring 02) Judge for Pacific Undergraduate Research Conference (02, 04, 05, 07, 08) Judge for Hansen Writing award (Spring 2013) Judge for Summer Undergraduate Research Fund Grants (2013, 2014) Judge for Spanos Distinguished Teaching award (2011-present) College service College retreat: Planning our own Future, planning committee (Summers, 2016-present) College Head Marshall (2008-2011), Assistant marshall, (2012 present) College of the Pacific Council (1997-2000; chair 1998-1999) COP council agenda committee (1997-1999) Committee on Courses and Standards (1997-2005) ^_v      ' ( ) + ôqaQDhj4ht_OJQJaJht_ht_5CJOJQJaJhj4hcZ5CJOJQJaJhj4hj45OJQJaJhj45OJQJaJhj4hXCJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJhcZCJOJQJaJhcZhUCJOJQJaJhcZhUCJOJQJaJhcZhcZCJOJQJaJhhcZ5CJ OJQJaJ h8JhXCJOJQJaJ_   ( ) E | d   V W   ^ xgdt_gd>Agdt_xgdj4 p+ D E G W e k q r s { | d      = T V غغyjh>Aht_CJOJQJaJhM5CJOJQJaJhj4CJOJQJaJh>ACJOJQJaJhMCJOJQJaJh>Aht_5CJOJQJaJhcZht_CJOJQJaJh^5CJOJQJ\aJh^CJOJQJaJhj4ht_OJQJaJhj4ht_6OJQJaJ)V W Z   B ^ v @ A H V W [ g h )679˼ﭭ㞞㒒㞞h^CJOJQJaJhcZht_CJOJQJaJh>Aht_CJOJQJaJhcZh>ACJOJQJaJh>ACJOJQJaJhMCJOJQJaJht_CJOJQJaJh>Aht_5CJOJQJaJ9 A 7/xJxgdj4xgdt_ d\$^gdt_^gd^gdt_^gdt_./5Hbchlswxz JP[\_t}ȻȻvvvvvvh>䴳ϴ>>5Cϴj4䴳ϴj45Cϴ>5Cϴj4ϴj46Oϴ󳦴j4䴳ϴ䴳ϴ󳦴䴳ϴ.-./;<SqȼȭqeVVeVFhcZhj6CJOJQJaJhcZhjCJOJQJaJhLCJOJQJaJhcZh};5CJOJQJaJhj4hGe5OJQJaJhj4hX5OJQJaJhcZh#p5CJOJQJaJh/1h/1CJOJQJaJh:RCJOJQJaJhcZhj4CJOJQJaJhj4hj45OJQJaJhj45CJOJQJaJht_5CJOJQJaJ./<Sfg(01AgdM=gdjgd#pxgdjgdt_xgd/1xgdj4!S\]u}>7MNUefg'(01弰٤ٕhcZhLCJOJQJaJhjCJOJQJaJhj4CJOJQJaJhj46CJOJQJaJhcZhj6CJOJQJaJhLCJOJQJaJhcZhjCJOJQJaJhdtCJOJQJaJ912@A!"#56sgss[[LhM=hXCJOJQJaJhM=CJOJQJaJh#pCJOJQJaJhcZh@QCJOJQJaJhcZh@Q6CJOJQJaJhcZh@Q5CJOJQJaJhcZh};5CJOJQJaJhcZh CJOJQJaJhcZhGeCJOJQJaJhcZhjCJOJQJaJh#ph;6CJOJQJaJh#phj46CJOJQJaJ"#6D'(f>TUgd};`gdGaFgdM=^gdM=gd#p6D'(f>TUᶦ||||mhcZh GCJOJQJaJhcZhwCJOJQJaJhb]CJOJQJaJhcZhSCJOJQJaJhcZhX6CJOJQJaJhcZhX5CJOJQJaJh#pCJOJQJaJhcZh};CJOJQJaJhcZh};5CJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJ$=FGM|}"AY_hiq|}񵵵񈗈񈦦hcZh3x/CJOJQJaJhcZhGaFCJOJQJaJhcZh\<CJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJhcZhSCJOJQJaJhcZhwCJOJQJaJhcZh GCJOJQJaJhcZhGeCJOJQJaJ5UG|}i|}MMNYz 34CMTVw+8MN%DXY]_ds   9 n z !ĵӵӵhcZhGaFCJOJQJaJhcZh3x/CJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJhcZh\<CJOJQJaJhcZhGeCJOJQJaJG !U!V!~!!!D""""[#w#x######$R$$$$%H%gdjgd};gd xgd xgdc]!!!!8!T!U!V!o!}!~!!!!!!!!!!!!"7"C"D"r"""ǷwhYYhhYJhJhhcZh@QCJOJQJaJhcZh\<CJOJQJaJhcZhNCJOJQJaJhM=hX6CJOJQJaJhM=h@Q6CJOJQJaJhcZhB5CJOJQJaJhcZh};5CJOJQJaJhcZhX5CJOJQJaJhcZhM=CJOJQJaJhXCJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJhcZhGeCJOJQJaJ""""""""""""##M#N#W#[#g#w#x#{#########$$R$b$c$$$$$$$%H%I%%%%Ĵ񤔔v񅅅񅅅hcZhGaFCJOJQJaJhcZhjCJOJQJaJhcZhj5CJOJQJaJhcZhX5CJOJQJaJhM=h};6CJOJQJaJhcZh};CJOJQJaJhcZh@QCJOJQJaJhcZhNCJOJQJaJhcZhXCJOJQJaJ.H%I%%%%%&M&N&&'''('''''''''(i(( ) )gd@Qxgdj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y )"f+ V 16!"%1(*-01!"$%')*,-/02 U H% )-1 #&(+.18@0(  B S  ? 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