All students admitted to the Biology MS program receive a Graduate Assistantship (GAship) to support them financially during their graduate work. GAships include tuition remission, a teaching stipend, and free health insurance.
Tuition remission: Biology MS students receive 100% tuition remission credit, sufficient to cover all necessary coursework during their MS program (up to 16 graduate units per year), so that students do not need to pay tuition while earning their Biology MS degree.
Teaching stipend: Biology MS students are offered employment as teaching assistants in one of the undergraduate biology courses that have laboratory sections, e.g. general biology, genetics, anatomy, physiology, microbiology or ecology. Students receive a stipend for their teaching work. Earnings from the teaching stipends can be used to pay for rent, groceries and other cost of living expenses.
Health insurance: Biology MS students who do not have health insurance are enrolled in Pacific鈥檚 Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) at no cost to the student.
Each GAship is good for one year. GAships are renewed annually as long as the student is in good standing in the MS program and making appropriate progress to complete their degree.